Follow the research of Smithsonian scientists and photographer David Liittschwager as they discover what a cubic foot of land or water—a biocube—reveals about the diversity of life on the planet! This exhibition is organized by the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service in collaboration with the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History.
“Life in One Cubic Foot” explores life from exotic environments, like the coral reefs of French Polynesia and the alien mid-water ocean off the coast of California to the more familiar locales, like New York City’s Central Park. Hundreds of different organisms ranging in size from the head of a pin to the full size of the biocube are featured in the exhibition through collages of photographs, models, interactive elements and exhibition videos.
See how scientists use the concept of one cubic foot to understand the diversity of life in the field and learn how biocubes can be used to uncover life in more familiar places!
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